Exploring the key components of Modular Content Strategy for online academies

Lily Ciric Hoffmann
5 min readDec 13, 2023

Let’s explore the intricacies of crafting a modular content strategy, honing in on its architectural nuances — organization and delivery mechanisms. The emphasis here is on the structural blueprint rather than the substance or subject matter within it.

Using the metaphor of a cookbook introduced in a previous article “How a Modular Content Strategy can transform your online academy,” this exploration aims to guide online academies in assembling and organizing their educational infrastructure.

To revisit this metaphor, envision a meticulously organized cookbook. Each recipe, with its list of ingredients and instructions, represents the substantive content — the knowledge imparted in a course. Conversely, the table of contents, chapter divisions, and modular design elements mirror our content strategy, shaping how the educational information is structured, accessed, and navigated.

Building upon this metaphor, our current exploration delves into the strategic intricacies of assembling and organizing the educational infrastructure.

Contrary to the common fear that a structured framework might stifle creativity, this structural blueprint is presented as an empowering canvas for instructional designers and content creators to unleash their creativity within the course content.

Our goal is a scalable, adaptable, and seamless experience for both creators and learners in the dynamic world of online education.

Understanding Your Audience

A pivotal cornerstone in the development of a successful modular content strategy lies in a profound understanding of the diverse audience that engages with the educational content.

Two important things to consider are:

I. Importance of Audience Segmentation
Delving into the intersection of SaaS companies and online academies, we’re not just talking about audience segmentation; we’re orchestrating a strategic imperative. It’s not about basic categorization — it’s about recognizing the intricate nuances of your audience, extending to partners, various customer roles, and diverse tiers. For SaaS companies with certification programs, tailored approaches to different stakeholders significantly enhance the effectiveness and appeal of educational content.

2. Tailoring Content to Meet Specific Needs and Learning Styles
Education isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s a tailored suit, fitting the needs and learning styles of different segments. Visual-oriented designers may crave interactive multimedia, while hands-on developers seek practical insights. A modular content strategy within this context allows for the seamless customization of content elements, ensuring that each stakeholder group — be it designers, marketers, developers, or other roles — receives content finely tuned to their unique preferences and learning requirements.

Tailoring content to diverse needs. Designers and marketers are more likely to gain insights from experts, while developers thrive on hands-on applications. Graphic made by Lily Ciric Hoffmann.

Key Components of Modular Content Strategy

A robust modular content strategy serves as the backbone for effective communication, user engagement, and continuous improvement. Let’s explore the key components that contribute to the success of online academies, providing a framework applicable across various industries and educational domains.

Content Chunking: Breaking down content into smaller modules
Online academies cater to diverse subjects and learner backgrounds, making content chunking essential. Breaking down intricate concepts into smaller, manageable modules facilitates a more digestible learning experience. Whether guiding users through product usage, exploring cooking techniques, or unraveling business strategies, content chunking supports knowledge retention and allows learners to navigate through material at their own pace.

Standardization: Establishing style guides and design principles for consistency
Maintaining a consistent educational experience is crucial for online academies. Standardization involves establishing style guides, setting standards for language, grammar, and content structure, templates, and design principles that ensure a cohesive presentation of content. This approach is vital for any subject providing learners with a unified and recognizable learning environment.

Metadata & Tagging: Implementing a robust system for organizing and tagging content to enhance discoverability
Online academies require precise organization, achieved through a robust metadata and tagging system. This system empowers learners to efficiently locate information by categorizing content based on topics, difficulty levels, and learning objectives. Not only does this enhance content discoverability for diverse audiences, but it also offers valuable insights for course creators. They can identify topics needing more coverage or refinement, ensuring a tailored learning experience. This dual functionality not only streamlines access for learners but also continually enhances the content offering.

Content Maintenance: Iterating and enhancing your library and iterating content based on insights
Continuous improvement stands as a foundational pillar within the modular content strategy for online academies. In this approach, the dynamic refinement of educational materials is not just a reaction to learner feedback but a strategic response to various factors, including product changes, outdated content, and internal insights. By integrating robust feedback loops and systematically analyzing inputs from diverse sources, online academies can ensure their content library remains not only responsive to learner needs but also aligned with industry standards and emerging trends.

Key components of a successful modular content strategy are content chunking, design and format standardization, metadata & tagging, and content maintenance. Graphic by Lily Ciric Hoffmann.

Improving and Scaling an Existing Academy

To enhance and scale an existing online academy, a deliberate and systematic approach is crucial. Here’s a structured roadmap:

  • Conduct a Comprehensive Content Audit:
    Begin by conducting a thorough content audit to identify strengths and pinpoint areas for improvement. This assessment provides a nuanced understanding of the existing content landscape, paving the way for targeted enhancements.
  • Implement Advanced Modular Strategies:
    Move beyond basic modular approaches and identify opportunities to break down existing content into granular, reusable modules. Tailor the modular strategy to the specific needs of the academy, ensuring scalability and adaptability for future growth.
  • Explore Automation and AI-powered Solutions:
    Integrate automation tools and AI-powered solutions to streamline content creation and management. Automating repetitive tasks not only saves time and resources but also contributes to scalability, allowing the academy to handle increased content volume efficiently. Leverage AI tools for video production, narration, visuals, and tools like ChatGPT for content outlines.

This three-fold approach, enriched by the integration of AI-powered solutions, not only offers a comprehensive strategy but also establishes a solid foundation for improving and scaling an existing online academy.

This is part II of a series of articles on the topic of modular content strategy for online academies. Check out my other articles in the series. Part I: How a Modular Content Strategy can transform your online academy. Part III: Transforming online academies through smart LMS and Modular Content optimization. Part IV: Revolutionizing learning with a vision for Modular Content Strategy built on data and visualization.



Lily Ciric Hoffmann

Customer education specialist and a creative techie who uses cooking and baking as a form of therapy. Founder of Dishmeetup, https://dishmeetup.slack.com/